Category Archives: Silver Dollar City

Day 1 1/2: Silver Dollar City

Did I mention that Mike had to work the first day of the Table Rock vacation? 
That meant several things:
  1. Me and the kids could wander around, sweat, take our chances on the water side (chances meaning not run into any dead fish or live snakes) and interrupt Mike’s calls every 15 minutes or so which he would LOVE
  2. Me and the kids could take the boat out…and hope there was no Murphy’s Law incidents OR
  3. We could go to Silver Dollar City as the kids have been begging for since we started going to Table Rock 4 or so years ago
Decisions, decisions…

Silver Dollar City here we come!  (In case you are wondering, we called a cab.  Having Mike drive us into and out of SDC in the RV without air seemed sort of, well, stupid…and totally not worth the cost of the cab fare). 

Here are the top things I LOVED about it…

  • Water rides (did I mention it was the hottest week of the summer?  Oh yeah…I did that here.)
  • Kids are old enough to ride the coasters together…it’s hard to get 3 people on one ride at one time unless it includes a log.  Wildfire, Fire in the Hole…
  • Max got tackled by one of the street actors…and rolled on the ground.  And then was speechless.  Speechless and Max are not usually in the same sentence.  Too bad I wasn’t faster with the camera.
  • The Marvel Cave tour…one whole hour underground in the coolness of a cave. 

Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn’s River Blast

Roller coasters…

Marvel Cave…cool and cool-looking