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The boys in the boat

Left to Right: Bobby, Bud, Mark, Andy, and brother Peek in Bobby’s X30. Will post some videos from the trip later.

Each day we got up, ate great food, went out and rode until we couldn’t stand anymore and then came back to eat, kick back, and relax.

Great times!

Almost out of gas!

As Bobby and I were having a fierce discussion about Cisco and investments we needed to make to be competitive in UC, my brother Tom asked the simple question… guys, do we need to get some gas? This was asked after the ‘Low Fuel’ light had been on for almost an hour! We were in the middle of nowhere Utah. We gimped into the next gas station and as we pulled up, the following caught all of our eyes. Obviously we were not the ones to have push it close out here!

We found a way to put 34.87 gallons of gas in Bobby’s Suburban which has a capacity of 34 gallons.

Interestingly, the next highway sign read “No services the next 106 miles”.

Powell 2009

Eight years ago a group of us took our first trip to Lake Powell together. After a two year hiatus, we put the band back together (Special thanks to Andy Banks!). This is Sunday morning at 4A as were jumping into Bobby’s suburban with the X30 in tow.

The beginning of a very special trip!

The ride around Kansas Speedway

As part of the March of Dimes fund raiser, all bikers who raised over $ 1,000 got to ride around the track three laps!

With your help, we did 4X that base amount. It was VERY COOL riding around the speedway. No speed limits! I opened the BMW up as far as it would go. Good times.

81K raised, $ 1 at a time!

Ed Hale, a local biker and a group of his friends managed to raise over $ 80K $ 1 at time! Later to see this big biker holding one of the March of Dimes babies with tears run down his face was a memory that none of us will soon forget.

Congratulations Ed Hale and team. You inspire all of us to do more!

March of Dimes Host Family

This is a picture of the host family for the 2009 Kansas City Bikers for Babies fund raiser. The two little girls shown were both born under 1lb and through the assistance of the March of Dimes have not only survived but are in a position to go forth and live a full and successful life.

This event touches the heart of everyone who participates and I was no exception. Very special!