Max & Mara on one of their countless adventures

Max and Mara on one of their ‘secret’ trails they found around the campground. Each evening included a couple of ‘adventures’ where new special rocks were found, sticks were gathered for the fire, or unique animals were spotted.
Wouldn’t it be cool if we as adults slowed down a bit more to ‘see’ these cool things that come so naturually to children?

Mara & Max riding together

One of Mara’s last runs on the ski trainer. It was fun to watch her and Max go back and forth trying to splash each other!
This was also the first year that Mara adventured outside the wake. Her proud grin couldn’t be missed!

Max and me out on the water

Max and me out taking a ride. Back when Mara and Max were both three years old we set up the rig shown here so I could be out in the water with them to help them get up. As you will see in future pics, Mara has moved past needing dad out there with her but Max still kind of likes the company.

Max of course is being his usual ham self.

For those who might have kids that are yet to learn to ski, I would highly suggest one of the ski trainers (can be bought at Overtons, Barts, eBay, etc. for ~ $ 100). They are a full proof way to get kids up quick and get the acquanted with the water. Special thanks for Brian Finzen giving me the heads up on this concept years ago!

Mara and Max tubing

Max & Mara out on one of their countless tube rides. I am amazed that this tube has lived through years and years of being drug around, flipped upside down, submarined, and pulled for hundreds of miles.

Each time Jen or I were pulling them you knew as you looked in the mirror they were going to be asking to be spun around with the famous hand signal. Great times!

Table Rock Lake Vacation 2009

Has been a week or two since I updated The Peek Family Adventures blog and I thought I would take a few minutes to post some notes and pics from the awesome trip to Table Rock Lake that we took the week of June 22nd. For my fellow wakeboarder junkies, this is the same lake that Shawn Watson grew up and still rides.

As we were heading back in one evening after a great day on the water, Mara took the following picture. This gives you a sense for how beautiful and peaceful this lake is.

60′ of Rolling Thunder

We’re off! After a frantic rush to get everything loaded into the RV and get on the road, I forgot to take a picture of the RV, Boat, and family in front of the house before we left. As a next best thing, I stopped in Clinton, Missouri and captured the following. We were off and other than a tear in the tarp of the boat, we had no isssues! Arrived at Table Rock about 1:30A and ready for some rest and a great week of vacation with the coolest family in the world!

New Adventures

A week after the awesome trip back from Florida, we are gearing up for several more adventures. First is the St. Louis Cardinals v the Kansas City Royals w/ Robert, Prosser and Teri and then it’s off to Table Rock for a week w/ family. More to come…

What it’s all about!

It was an AWESOME three day adventure across the S.E. United States. I got to see states that I had only flown over in the past in detail and saw some BEAUTIFUL scenary. But at the end of the day best part of the trip was pulling in and having Mara, Max, and Jen come out and give me a hug and welcome me home! I am a truly blessed guy!

It is now beginning to storm and I am ultra grateful that I covered almost 1400 miles with only a few raindrops in Florida and no major issues.

Thanks for letting me share this story with those who have followed along. If you take one thing away from this it is to not sit on the side lines of life. Go create your own adventure and live life to the fullest!
